Artista: MercyMe
Título: All That Is Within Me
Ano: 2007
Suporte: CD
● Novo - Valor: 10
Ano: 2007
Suporte: CD
● Novo - Valor: 10
«“We were never meant to com-promise/Settle for mediocrity,” croons frontman Bart Millard on “Goodbye Ordinary.” A cursory listen to MercyMe’s latest project confirms this is a message the band has taken to heart. After enduring a couple years of personal tragedy that colored its recent albums with a tinge of melancholy, All That Is Within Me is, by contrast, an exuberant, defiant, stand-up-and-shake-your-fist-at-the-devil, rock & roll worship album.» retirado de ccmmagazine.com
(Atenção: Video de demonstração, não incluído neste produto!)