Artista: Casting Crowns
Título: The Altar And The Door Live
Ano: 2008
Suporte: CD + DVD
● Novo - Valor: 14
● Novo - Valor: 14
«After two Platinum-selling albums (Casting Crowns & Lifesong), two Platinum live projects (Live from Atlanta & Lifesong Live), numerous awards, and one of the most successful headlining tours in our industry, one might expect a different Casting Crowns. Those who meet this exceptional group, however, quickly realize they are still the same down-to-earth people with ministry at the heart of what they do both on the road, and in their local churches where each of the members serve on-staff or as laypeople, including lead singer/songwriter Mark Hall who still holds his post as youth pastor at his home church. » retirado de newreleasetuesday.com
(Atenção: Video de demonstração!)